Where jobs find you

Divrse is on a mission: getting great talent, like yourself, matched with awesome opportunities at companies who want to take responsibility and diversify their workforce at all levels.

Find A Job

An empowering community
of support, vulnerability,
openness, and mutual trust.

We support diverse and underrepresented talent as they navigate their journey through the labor market. Search for career opportunities and get access to job search tools, career development resources and a thriving community of diverse talent.

Today's top
companies are hiring.

We partner with top Canadian companies from early-stage
startups to Fortune 500 companies to bring the best jobs
in tech and finance to you.

Apply in one click.

Fill out your profile once, and it’s your application forever.
No more cover letters or copying and pasting your work
experience for the 50th time.

Resources and insights


Mentorship is a powerful tool to help you reach your career goals. Attend our mentorship sessions to meet industry leaders and get a head start in your career and in life.

Career Information Session

What’s the best way to get your foot in the door? Interacting with companies is crucial to a successful job search. We connect you with recruiters and hiring managers directly so you can gain valuable insights into career options.


Our events are designed to help you overcome barriers to active participation in Canadian society and the labor market. Through a series of workshops facilitated by experienced professionals, you will develop the skills and confidence to achieve your goals.

Career Accelerator Bootcamp

It is stressful and nerve-racking to interview for a job or seek advancement at work. Being turned down for a role you really want is never fun, and it can seriously undermine your self-esteem. We want to help you land your dream job by teaching you the entire job search strategy from end to end free of charge.


Explore the Divrse podcast to gain insights into the stories, experiences, and journeys of real people in order to provide you with strategies for success.


The blog contains useful resources for your job search and beyond. We’ve got you covered with all the guides, how-to’s, tips, and tricks you’ll need to succeed in your career.

Tools & Templates

Check out our tried-and-true job-winning tools. We’ve compiled ATS-friendly resumes, cover letters, common interview questions, and other resources to help you along your career path.

Jobs that are
tailored for you.

Connect with the leading employers and give your career a rocket boost. Employers we match you with are engaged and actively seeking candidates with your skills and experience!

Our technology scans your resume and sends you customized job recommendations based on your skills and experience.

Change is coming.
Be part of it

Our partners are committed to recruiting and hiring diverse talent. If your next job is with a Divrse partner, you’ll be joining a workplace that is committed to hiring and promoting diverse and underrepresented talent.

Workplaces should be free of discrimination and offer equitable opportunities to all employees. The more candidates we get hired at great companies, the more inclusive and diverse their workforce becomes.